Saturday, August 1, 2009

7 Traits Of Irresistible Men

This popped up on the Yahoo main page and I was intrigued to see what traits they listed... Here's the link to it. I wasn't surprised to see most of them... humor... affectionate.. respect and so on.. But the one I was surprised to see was the wink one. From the website it says:

1. He Has Mastered The Wink. We don't know how they learn the technique but some guys really have the Richard-Gere wink down pat. There's an art to this wink and getting it right can be tricky. It's more suave and smoky than cheeky and laughable. He's comfortable giving this signal and has the timing to the tee. Done right, this move is pure sexy. Caveat: The wink can be tricky to pull off. Practice first.

It's so true! So guys... get down the wink... and you be as suave as James Dean (new painting! see below)

Here's a before picture (I bought it at the Salvation Army for $2!):

Here's the final product:

There are still more paintings in progress:
Let me know what you think!



  1. Alice! I just started reading your blog today... well about 10 minutes ago, actually. And as I always admired you through out high school, I'm still finding myself intrigued by your thoughts. The James Dean picture is amazing! And where is this Salvation Army that's loaded with all these goodies?!
    <3 Cori


Your opinions and thoughts keep me motivated to post more. They are very much appreciated ^_^