Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Butterfly's Wings

His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly die ed and he did not know whnd en it was brushed or marred. - Ernest Hemingway

I started another painting today...
In the beginning, I didn't have anything in mind so I just grabbed a paintbrush and paint and went crazy on the blank canvas...

Squeeze some paint here... here ... and here..
Move paint brush this way... that way... down.. up...

After 20 or so minutes, I left my room to clean up...
I focused on washing my brushes and myself while I let the craziness in my room settle down on the easel.....
When I returned to my room, I put my supplies away.. and wait... I did a double-take on what finally settled on my easel....

I stared at the piece and developed an interpretation of what Past Alice was trying to say....
The meaning of this new piece hit me hard...
I started to ponder on why Past Alice drew this...
And I discovered a new side of me...
And a new perspective to Past Alice's problems...
Even though it did not solve my issues.. this new thought enlightened me.

I'm not going to show the painting just yet....
I know that if I display this interpretation and self-revelation along with the final artwork.. it will create a bias audience.
For now, I want most of my pieces to have a neutral stance so that the audience can develop their own perspectives.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pressure makes diamonds

Despite all the stress I'm under, I was able to have a couple minutes to create this piece

Let me know what you think!


Monday, March 29, 2010

What is sleep?

So ever since I came back from Vegas, I have not been sleeping well...
more like not at the right times...
Even though I got up for class today...
I'm starting on day three of going to bed around 4 am...
NOT good...

Luckily, I realized today that the effects of a cup of coffee still works on me...
Just one cup!
However, this effect has not improved my memory...
I lost a couple things today...
NOT cool...

I also realized I haven't been painting...
but I've been clipping and pasting my magazine clippings into a $1 book...
I'll post up pictures about what I've been doing...
Yeah I know that's not my homework...
totally NOT productive...

Cheers to Carina for her comments on my posts... Always happy to see them :),

Sunday, March 28, 2010

End of Spring Break

We got back from Vegas safely... yay!
It was a fabulous time...
We sipped and walked along the strip...
We watched the Bellagio water fountain show twice (simply beautiful)...
We watched Cirque du Soleil's Mystere (amazing show)...
We watched a sexy performance at the Crazy Horse Paris (loved the tease part)...
We shopped/browsed in very expensive stores (I saw my dream LV purse.. ahhh)...
It was just a great time because the sun was shining!!!
And I was wearing dresses and shorts!!!

Ahh I wish I could've brought it all back with me but I doubt they would fit in my suitcase.
Back to work!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break!!!!

Spring break is almost here!!!
I'm so ready to just relax and have some fun...
My friends and I are going to Las Vegas...
Repeat of the Hangover??
Not so much...
but it'll still be fun.

all pictures via.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Happiness in small doses

The sun was shining today...
And it changed my case of the Mondays significantly

I love great weather...
And I hope it's nice where you are.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Once upon a time....

Once upon a time...
On a far away college campus...
Lived a girl named Alice...
She was bored and unproductive...
(fake mustaches are fun)

She spent her time...
shopping... (etsy & UO...)
blog surfing... (Rockstar Diaries, Design*Sponge...)
and wondering what she should do with her half done paintings...
(I think I'm going to add more colors... the grey is too depressing...)

Eventually, Alice wrote her papers and got good grades on them.
The End.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Picking up the brush again...

For the past two mornings, I've gotten up to work out...
then I get back to my room...
and I just visit my daily blogs...


Inspiration hit and I just walk a couple feet to my easel...
and I create these...

Not sure what inspired them...
but I'm happy.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm not a .. quitter?

I don't quit things.....
but when you have to quit something to succeed somewhere else....
it's one of the toughest things for me to do...
because I find the smallest reasons to stick to them...

I'm trying to quit a couple of my clubs so I can focus on a passion of mine...
I know that it will be for the better if I quit...
but it's soooooo difficult for me to "break up" with them...
I hate letting people down...
but I guess I have to be selfish for a little bit and take care of myself first...

How do you break up with something that you know you don't need/want anymore?

At times like these, I just look at my Sartorialist book and fashion blogs to just mentally get away from thinking too much.
Pretty things just makes me happy

Cheers to guts!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Eat Cake!

Helloo allll....

I just celebrated my birthday and it was fantabulous!!! I'm 21!!!

My friends are amazing :)

The semester is starting.. although classes haven't started I'm swamped with my non-class stuff... love the rush though!

Because I've been busy I haven't done a lot of art related stuff but hopefully that will change soon.

I'll keep you updated with goodies!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I see you everywhere...

it helps me start my day right...
and so far these blogs make me wish I had a shelf full of cameras so I can take fun pictures!
I so want the Diana F+ or the mini one so I can take photos like these:

or a Holga of some sort
... so I can take pictures like these:

Ahhh camera envy.... you get me every time

Monday, January 11, 2010

Watching Lifetime...

I've been watching Lifetime all break because.. well.. I'm bored.
I'm sitting in the living room with my magazines (just cutting out the stuff I like as usual)
and watching Grey's Anatomy (love McDreamy lol...)
and every now and then a movie will come on and I would just leave it on there.

I definitely feel very girly watching Lifetime but it's nice to balance out last semester
(I hung out with my guy friends.. a lot of guy friends)...

This jump into Lifetime land has put me in a stage of .... just thinking... eh... sometimes good stuff... sometimes bad stuff.. mostly random stuff

I kind of want to build a fort...

Just adorable and
I cant say that I'm not jealous of their pictures...
Lifetime is definitely bringing out the girly side of me.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Psych on me...

Hello everyone,

Guess what? I'm NOT going to Europe.

I guess things just happen...

As you know, I am upset
.... but I'm trying not to dwell on it any longer because it's no use.

I'm all ready but no where to go...

Just going to watch some Friends and eat some cake...
all via

I hope everyone is doing well... I'm going to stay distracted and not think about it. The silver lining will come soon enough.

Cheers (to how ridiculous things are sometimes),