I have decided to create my own blog to expose the world to the things Alice love such as fashion, interior design, art and oh so many more.
Recently I've been discovering amazing blogs of all types of women who have impeccable taste. I've read some inspiring articles and saw some jaw-dropping pictures which temporarily turns me into a little kid at a candy store. My favorite blogs are Lovely Happenings and Life is Beautiful. I will probably use them the most as my notes continue. Anyways, here is a list of 15 things (usually I'll just put 10) that I'm currently loving/enjoying/wanting.
1. Everyday Zen: Love and Work by Charlotte Joko Beck ... such an eye opening book about enlightenment... probably will change my life once I'm done reading it.
2. Finding lost things (long story but yesterday I misplaced my towel and my mind was going crazy about where it was then I found it in the part of my closet where I rarely put my towel)
3. Tilapia with hints of lemon, parsley and basil.
4. Toast with peanut butter and honey (YUM!!)
5. The Girl in the Moon by Everly (This will probably be my inspiration for my next painting)
.the girl in the moon.
.is alone with the stars.
.and the spaceships.
..and no one to sing to...
.is reason enough to be blue..
.the girl in the moon.
.with her dreams.
..has a steel melting smile.
6. Walk Me Home by Mandy Moore ... I would love.... LOVE to hear a cover for this song in a jazzy way.
7. Canvas tote bags like this one
I have decided to create my own blog to expose the world to the things Alice love such as fashion, interior design, art and oh so many more.
Recently I've been discovering amazing blogs of all types of women who have impeccable taste. I've read some inspiring articles and saw some jaw-dropping pictures which temporarily turns me into a little kid at a candy store. My favorite blogs are Lovely Happenings and Life is Beautiful. I will probably use them the most as my notes continue. Anyways, here is a list of 15 things (usually I'll just put 10) that I'm currently loving/enjoying/wanting.
1. Everyday Zen: Love and Work by Charlotte Joko Beck ... such an eye opening book about enlightenment... probably will change my life once I'm done reading it.
2. Finding lost things (long story but yesterday I misplaced my towel and my mind was going crazy about where it was then I found it in the part of my closet where I rarely put my towel)
3. Tilapia with hints of lemon, parsley and basil.
4. Toast with peanut butter and honey (YUM!!)
5. The Girl in the Moon by Everly (This will probably be my inspiration for my next painting)
.the girl in the moon.
.is alone with the stars.
.and the spaceships.
..and no one to sing to...
.is reason enough to be blue..
.the girl in the moon.
.with her dreams.
..has a steel melting smile.
6. Walk Me Home by Mandy Moore ... I would love.... LOVE to hear a cover for this song in a jazzy way.
7. Canvas tote bags like this one
8. Pat and Kyle's balcony :) Such a great place to chill
9. Having a huge wave of creativity hitting me at the odd hours of the day.
10. The Etsy Website! Great website for art and jewelry.. all intricate and unique.
11. Zooey Deschanel (one of my idols)
-gorgeous lady who has great style
-sings in a band called She & Him (great album).
-will be in the upcoming movie 500 Days of Summer!
12. Deciding to write this note/blog.
13. Room of the Moment: This closet (I think I might have started to faint just seeing this closet)
14. Purse of the Moment: Louis Vuitton Coppolla Classics bag designed by Sophia Coppola
Louis Vuitton... the pricetag was umm painful to look at ($4,580!)... so I guess for now I will just admire it from afar :/
15. Shoes of the Moment: PLV by Pour La Victoire Oxford Heel at
Congratulations on the blog!! It looks wonderful so far! And I am HONORED to be one of your favorites. It means the world to me! AND I am so glad that you love 'The Girl In The Moon'. Everly is by far one of my favorites. :)